x-42c extensions for API Protection and API Firewall

The x-42c vendor extensions by to the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) enable you to enrich your OpenAPI definitions with security information for API Firewall and provide additional operation instructions to API Firewall.

Security extensions

The security extensions control what security measures API Firewall applies to API traffic. For the most part, they define what protections are applied and where. They are used by API Protection when it builds the sequences of actions for incoming requests and outgoing responses in the protection configurations.

For more details on security extensions, see Protections and security extensions. For instructions on how to use these extensions in your OpenAPI definitions, see Apply additional protections. For the descriptions of available protections and their x-42c extensions, see Protections.

Other extensions for API Firewall

You can use the following vendor extensions in your API definitions to provide additional instructions to API Firewall. These extensions are not used by API Protection when it builds the protection sequences for protection configurations, but they can change how API Firewall treats the data it receives.