Integrate IDEs with 42Crunch Platform
You can integrate API Security Audit with your integrated development environments (IDEs) through the custom extension OpenAPI (Swagger) Editor. This lets you start auditing your OpenAPI definition already when you are working on it.
The integration extension OpenAPI (Swagger) Editor is currently available for the following IDEs:
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
- JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA
- Eclipse IDE
You can find links to more details for all supported options from the 42Crunch Platform landing page.
The IDE extension uses IDE tokens to access and authenticate to 42Crunch Platform. You can create IDE tokens in 42Crunch Platform, either on the landing page or in your account settings.
You can also integrate Security Audit with your CI/CD pipeline so that any changes to APIs in your project are automatically audited for security. For more details, see CI/CD integrations.