42Crunch Platform release, February 21, 2020

This 42Crunch Platform release opens the self-registration to the platform. We have also added tutorial videos on some basic use cases.

In addition, the release brings new report format to API Conformance Scan, makes onboarding new users to organizations easier, and introduces subscription plan limits.

New features

The following are the new features and improvements to the existing ones in this release.

Self-registration to 42Crunch Platform

We have now opened the self-registration page where you can register for an account in 42Crunch Platform. The self-registered accounts belongs to the free community organization that is managed directly by 42Crunch.

For more details, see our press release.

New scan report in Conformance Scan

The report format of the API Conformance Scan has been revamped to make it easier to read.

  • Improved visual presentation.
  • Summary bar for quicker overall understanding on how the scan went.
  • Filters to focus on issues with particular paths and operations.
  • Filter sidebar shows how many issues each tested path or method has.
  • The details of the discovered issues include the type (the ID) of the attack that the scan performed.

For more details, see Scan report.

Improved onboarding of new users

It is now easier for the organization administrators to add new users to their organizations.

  • Summary view of the details of the created account.
  • Automatically generated message text that can be used to provide credentials to the new user.
  • Quick actions for both email and copying the sample message to suit different delivery methods.

For more details, see Add a new user.

User permissions

For added safety, organization administrators can now control some actions through user permissions.

  • To prevent users from sharing APIs that should not be shared, sharing API collections is switched off by default.
  • To prevent surprise costs, API Conformance Scan is now switched off by default.
  • Organization administrators can switch these actions on or off for the user in their organization as needed.

For more details, see Manage user permissions.

Tutorial videos

We have added tutorial videos of some basic uses cases that help you get started with the platform.

For more details, see Tutorials.


This release is compatible with the following API Firewall images:

  • 42crunch/apifirewall:v0.16.2

All previous image versions have been deprecated and are not compatible with this version of the platform.

When you switch the version of the API Firewall image, you must reconfigure any existing protection configurations so that they work with the new version. For more details, see Reconfigure API Protection.

Known issues

This release has the following known issues.

Old scan reports not compatible with the new report model

Because the model for the reports in Conformance Scan has changed significantly, you cannot view old scan reports. You must run Conformance Scan again on your API before you can view the scan report.

Restrictions in the free community organization

If you have self-registered to the platform, your account belongs to the free community organization. Users in this organization can no longer share API collections, or run API Conformance Scan, and all their shared API collections have been reverted back to private.

If you are a community user and need either of these functions, contact 42Crunch support.

Limits on the number of APIs, users, and active API Firewall instances

We have introduced limits on the number of APIs and users in dedicated organizations in 42Crunch Platform.

  • By default, a basic organization can have 10 API definitions and 10 user accounts in the platform.
  • By default, each free community account can have three API definitions in the platform.

The number of active API Firewall instances displayed incorrectly

The number of active API Firewall instances that a dedicated organization has is shows 0 even when the organization has active API Firewall instances running.