OAuth 1.0 authentication allowed
Issue ID: v3-global-securityscheme-http-oauth1
Average severity: Minimal
One or more global security schemes in your API allows using OAuth 1.0 authentication.
This is a potential risk, because the definition is in security schemes. However, it easily turns into an actual risk when the unsafe method is used in a security requirement.
For more details, see the OpenAPI Specification.
The following is an example of how this type of risk could look in your API definition:
"servers": [
"url": "https://my.api.server.com/",
"description": "API server"
// ...
"components": {
"securitySchemes": {
"OAuth1": {
"type": "http",
"scheme": "oauth"
Possible exploit scenario
OAuth 1.0 has been deprecated and replaced by OAuth 2.0. See RFC 6749.
Use a more secure authentication method, like OAuth 2.0. It uses access tokens with limited lifetime and authorizations (the scopes) granted that the resource owner grants from an authorization server.
An API operation can be consumed only if the request includes an access token and the scopes of the token match the scopes that the API operation requires. Even if attackers successfully retrieved access tokens, they can only use the token on a subset of the API operation and for a limited time.
"servers": [
"url": "https://my.api.server.com/",
"description": "API server"
// ...
"components": {
"securitySchemes": {
"OAuth2": {
"type": "oauth2",
"flows": {
"authorizationCode": {
"scopes": {
"write": "modify objects in your account",
"read": "read objects in your account"
"authorizationUrl": "https://example.com/oauth/authorize",
"tokenUrl": "https://example.com/oauth/token"
// ...
"security": [
"OAuth2": [